Can I bring my own toys?
By toys, we mean dildos, butt-plugs etc ... Yes you can! Please notify staff after you are changed of what you have in your bag that you may be carrying around.
Please join us in our new venue by 357 đź’–
By toys, we mean dildos, butt-plugs etc ... Yes you can! Please notify staff after you are changed of what you have in your bag that you may be carrying around.
Come to the reception window on level 1 (locker area) and ask for a "douche kit" (pronounced like this: "doosh"). It will cost you $6. Don't be embarrassed asking for a douche kit. Our staff are used to this request and don't think twice about it. You get a fresh towel and 2 little bags [...]
So... you like one of our staff and want to know if you can ask them out for a cup of tea or some scones and cream? Ok, that's nice of you, but remember to ask them out AFTER their shift. Note that staff rarely feel like cruising after a busy day or night at 357! And remember our [...]
Check the ACON website [click here]. They have all the information you need.